Tutorials → Useful commands for player

2022-09-10 10:50:36 - created by Administration - rank: God


!sellhouse NAME (For sellling house to a NICK)
!buyhouse (For buying house, remember to stand in front of the door)
!leavehouse (For leaving house, every item goes to your depot)
!houseinfo (Check house info address, rent, size and price)
aleta som (Invite sub owner. Type * in a new line to invite everyone, !NAME excludes player)
aleta sio (Invite guest player. Type * in a new line to invite everyone, !NAME excludes player)
aleta grav (Edit house door. Type * in a new line to invite everyone, !NAME excludes player)
alana sio "NAME (Kick NAME from house, this works only inside the house)


!guild balance (Shows guild balance)
!guild deposit X (Deposit X amount of gold to your guild balance)
!guild withdraw X (Withdraw X amount of gold from your guild balance)
!go (changes the outfit of the entire guild to the same outfit as the team leader's during the guild war)

/war invite,guild name,fraglimit,money (Send an invitation to start a war.
Money is optional and it\'s taken from guild balance.
Example: /war invite,Black Ninjas,150,5000)
/war accept,guild name (Accept the invitation to start a war.)
/war reject,guild name (Reject the invitation to start a war.)
/war cancel,guild name (This will cancel the invitation to the guild Black Ninjas)

Cast streams:

!cast on (Enable cast stream)
!cast off (Disable cast stream) More cast commands HERE


ctrl+arrow up/down - speed up or slow down the recording
ctrl+arrow right/left - rewind or forward the recording by 15 seconds
/time X - jump to a given time X of the recording
/goto X - jump to a given time X of the recording


!frags (Check your current frags count)
!share (Enable shared experience and vocation hunt more info HERE)
!emote on/off (Casted spells will be not dispalyed on Default channel)
!light (Additional light, only with Golden Account)
!sd blue (Extra sudden death rune effect -> blue, red, green, purple, lightblue, black)
!outfit angel (Unique outfits only for tutors)
!raid (Check current upcomming raid and next one)